Sunday, June 19, 2011

Children's Book Assessment - Final Work (Spreads)

Since the story is done, now onto the Spreads.

The first page is of Pages 1 & 2 (or Sentences 1 & 2) and here is the result of some rather painstaking work (do note what you see was completely created from Illustrator from scratch):

This spread is simply the first two sentences of the storybook, the family bots you can see in the first page wasn't in the original characters, but as you can see in the first page, it is essentially a portrait of all the family bots involved along with the main character, but were simply were added throughout the duration of this assessment. In the second page, it is essentially a cityscape enclosed in a giant dome, the cityscape scene took the longest to create throughout the duration of this assessment.

Here is the spread of Pages 9 & 10 (or Sentences 9 & 10):

Re-using the scenes in these pages from the previous spread saved considerable amount of development time. In the first page of this spread, the cityscape from the previous page is used, but with some alterations to shadows and lighting to reflect the time of day while in the second page of the second spread, the portrait style look is used, but this time using friends of the MC (in which were created in the original character design).

Alright, now my time of reflection of all my efforts into the Storybook, I have to be honest, I did struggle to come up with some concepts, but in the end it came off better than expected

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