Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Throughout the whole first semester, this is all of the work that I have put together during Art Tuesdays for all the world to see. This is what we've done:

Depiction of the flowers in a vase, created by using glouche paint

The recreation of Luke's Guitar, using Glouche Paint. But what is being done here is trying to achieve lighting techniques (from darker areas to bright areas), however, this was consideribly harder than I first thought.

The next two images show the cityscape and the landscape of a circus that we had to do, this is what I (attempted to) achieve:

Cityscape showing an Fictional City with some unrealistic building structures

Landscape of the circus, showing the Regurgitator

Some of the artworks were done digitally, as the next few images will show (NOTE: Sorry about the screenshots I took :-), next time I'll have to remove the window interface):

Cartoon Background, the first two pages of what could be a cartoon...

A Dark Background, showing how cold, depressing and dark it intended to be

On one of the mornings, random music was played. The objective was to visually represent on how we hear that random music, mostly depending on the mood of the music that was played:

Image 1 - Felt lively, bright, feels alive and at the same time, feels a bit 'rushed'

Image 2 - A mix of red, orange and yellow. Has a effect to create a 'Dawn of an new era' Scenario. Something new is about to commence and feels like a certain scenario could 'change the entire world forever'.

Image 3 - Has the feel that the 'Grass is always Greener on the other side of the fence'

Image 4 - The music had a rather an annoyed irritated mind, the colours show this

Image 5 - This image made me enter a mind of a raging 'Psychopath' or a deranged mind on a verge of a meltdown (Mental Trauma)

Image 6 - The song that was played reminded me of somewhere within Outback Australia and for some reason, feels calm and peacefully quiet

Image 7 - Reminded me of where I used to live (live around the North Queensland Coast). Feels Calm and very Lively, the colours used represent this.

Image 8 - Self-explainatory, I felt like I entered the mind of a hyperactive individual

The next few images we had to do was to attempt to make hand-drawn images as photorealistic as possible with just different types of shading, I honestly found these quite challenging. But at least they're done!!!

We also had to do a portrait of someone, using this technique, as shown below (I also like the time to thank fellow classmate Ben Trevaskis for being the main person for sketching)

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